Originally posted on October 5th 2015
We hope you all had a fantastic start to the 2015/2016 academic year! As you can see, we are currently having some fun updating our social media (check out our now fancy looking Facebook page) and are finally making some changes to this site! We hope you enjoy staring at, ogling and just downright enjoying the new look (as we all are).
Some quick updates on our end of course:
1) We hope you came to out lovely meet and greet that happened last Thursday!
2) On that note, lets hope you all came* to our first Pizza & Pub night on September 25th! The next pub night will be October 30th 2015.
3) Starting this year, the CNERS SA (that’s Classical Near Eastern & Religious Studies Student Association, or “sinners” – if you aren’t down with the lingo) is starting an Undergraduate Journal!! The journal, called LOGOS will be publishing it’s first volume this year, and submissions are now open. If you would like to see your paper published (like actually published in a real life academic journal) then send your papers to submissions.cnersj@gmail.com ASAP!
4) If you want to join this lovely, fun, awesome, amazing and hilarious group of people, come out to any of our events, or let us know via Facebook or email! Membership is $5, but we give you free pizza and beer, so it evens out.
That’s really all of the updates from us, but hey if you want to know more, or if you want to make a new friend today, swing by our Facebook page, or email us at cners.sa@gmail.com!
*if you didn’t come to any of our events, we are saddened by your betrayal and are currently considering ostracizing you, but I guess you can still come to our pub nights